Last updated 24 Feb 2025, 22:27:03 UTC

ab ("I'm from London. And I would like to see companies pay their taxes.")
Merlyn (The Scottish Boinc Team) ("Village Idiot")
ANCHULA-MARK ("A member of the UK Boinc Team supporting RNA World. Apart from computing my interests are...")
Reeltime ("Hi there. Been BOINCing for about 4 years, and involved in almost all the current BOINC...")
John Hunt ("Picture - Manchester Victoria Station frontage. Confirmed bachelor born and bred in...")
Euphoriabuzz ("Hi I am an English girl living in beautiful Wales. I have a reasonably old gaming pc which...")
darkstarz1 ("Originally from Falmouth in Cornwall, I now live and work in Bristol (BOOM town!), for a...")
The Knighty NI ("I have joined Team Norway for 24 hours to offer my support to all the people of Norway in...")
PDW ("Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to crunch we go...")

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