RNA World (beta)

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Manual inspection of the monster WUs: Credits coming up

Message boards : News : Manual inspection of the monster WUs: Credits coming up
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Profile Michael H.W. Weber
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Message 398 - Posted: 27 Apr 2017, 13:59:31 UTC

I am very happy to anounce that, thanks one of our particularly enthusiastic volunteer crunchers (Jacob Klein), we were finally able to make major progress regarding the yet non-validated very long work units (termed Monster WUs).
Some of you may remember that the transition from regular to virtual machine-based computation of these tasks resulted in the problem that we had to carry out the validation process manually.
This issue now appears to be resolved and Christian is going to make a few magic tweaks on the server side such that the corresponding credits will be granted - presumably some time this upcoming weekend.
Again, my thanks to Jacob for helping us to finally get this going.

Ich freue mich darüber, euch mitteilen zu können, dass wir Dank eines unserer besonders engagierten Unterstützer (Jacob Klein) große Fortschritte bei der Validierung der besonders aufwändigen Monster WUs machen konnten.
Einige von euch werden sich sicher noch daran erinnern, dass wir beim Übergang zur Berechnung der sehr langen Aufgaben unter Virtualbox das Problem hatten, dass klassich berechnete WUs manuell gegen VM-basierte WUs zu validieren waren.
Dieses Problem scheinen wir nun in den Griff bekommen zu haben und Christian wird - voraussichtlich noch kommendes Wochenende - einige magische Griffe auf unserem Server anwenden, damt die entsprechend ausstehenden Credits endlich vergeben werden können.
Ich möchte mich an dieser Stelle noch einmal bei Jacob für seine wertvolle Hilfe bedanken.

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Jacob Klein

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Message 399 - Posted: 27 Apr 2017, 19:20:12 UTC - in response to Message 398.  

You're welcome! I'm looking forward to seeing some results marked as **Validated**! And of course, I'm still trying to help our user base tackle those remaining ~160 VM tasks - I completed 1 today actually. :)

When I first joined RNA World, before you starting using VirtualBox, I couldn't help... because there was no checkpointing, and I restarted my PCs at least monthly but usually even more often.

Now that you use VirtualBox, even though it can be fragile at times, I'm able to help tackle these monsters. I still restart my PCs very often, usually installing new Windows 10 Fast Ring builds every couple of days, but I'm SO GLAD I can participate in this project! I've even learned a ton about VirtualBox, all from your project using it and me trying to keep it working smoothly

So, Thank YOU for the opportunity to learn and help!
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Message 400 - Posted: 29 Apr 2017, 12:50:49 UTC

This work is done for now.
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Message boards : News : Manual inspection of the monster WUs: Credits coming up